
Healthy Housecalls With Angel

Has your healthcare provider ever told you to 'relax, you're fine' even though you don't actually FEEL fine? Welcome to my world. I'm Angel Shannon, founder and executive director of Seva Health and The Seva Institute. I specialize in all things integrative medicine. Whether you’re feeling whole body burnout or trying to prevent burnout altogether, the answers you’re looking for do exist! I’m here to make the science simple and give you the tips, tools and strategies you need to change your life, not just your symptoms–naturally. Learn more about me and my world of integrative health at

Build A Better Brain Today
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Just a little brain fog? Or could it be dementia?

Hello friend, Welcome to the very first issue of Build A Better Brain, a special spin-off of my weekly newsletter, Healthy Housecalls With Angel dedicated to the one thing we all need more of: tools to create a healthier brain. Why? Because you've been asking for it. But first, allow me to share a bit of back story... Thirty years ago, at the start of my career, I was passionate about critical care medicine. From car accidents to cardiac arrests, every twelve hour night shift in the ER and...

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live better—naturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here. Hello there, friend! Can you believe we're over halfway through the year? It's a great time to stop and reflect on the last six months and create a plan for the rest of 2024. I'm a firm believer in manifesting your desires in life. Engaging in activities like journaling, dreamscaping, and creating vision boards can be...

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live better—naturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here. Hello there, friend! Magnesium is a hot topic supplement lately - and for good reason! It's essential for the proper functioning of over 300 enzyme systems in the human body. This powerhouse nutrient is involved in many physiological processes, including energy production, temperature regulation, nerve function, stress...

Hello friend, A few years ago, I was sitting in an airport restaurant waiting for a connecting flight back home. A country song titled What's A Girl Like You Doing In A Place Like This? came over the restaurant radio as I was waiting for my order. At first I paid little attention to it and then after a few minutes I put the title in Google to find out more. It turns out that the song was written and sung by Jim Ed Brown, published in 1968 on his album, This Is My Beat. In just two minutes and...

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live better—naturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here. Hello there, friend! As a society, we are really under-muscled. If you've ever seen a loved one suffer from a bad fall, you understand the critical importance of maintaining muscle strength. Muscle mass reaches its peak in our 30s, then gradually declines in a process known as sarcopenia, which affects over 45% of older...

Hello friend, Last week I was thinking about a recent trip I took to Portland to visit a childhood friend. It was my first time seeing her face-to-face in over thirty years. Over the years we've spent hours on the phone catching up; we never miss holidays or birthdays but life has never made it so that we could actually be in the same time zone at the same time until this year. The occasion was her 55th birthday and the timing was perfect. I told her that I'd been feeling an odd sense of...

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live better—naturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here. Hello there, friend! Have you noticed that everybody's talking about dopamine these days? Scroll through social media or chat with tech enthusiasts and you'll encounter dopamine-related life hacks promising to transform your productivity and well-being. The headlines sound a little like this: Struggling to stay off your...

Hello friend, I used to work with a woman who deeply believed in luck. She would often point out successful people who she believed were 'in the right place at the right time' and would often say "It's all in who you're lucky enough to know." Ironically, she believed she was unlucky simply because whenever she set out towards a goal, no matter how big or small, some form of adversity would present itself. One year, while we were all gathered in the office cafeteria discussing New Year's...

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live better—naturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here. Hello there, friend! Have you ever been told by past healthcare providers you're "fine" even though you don't feel fine? This is something I hear from many of my clients when they speak about their prior experiences before coming to me. One of the services I provide - even virtually - is functional nutrition and lab...

Hello friend, How old were you when you first heard someone say, "who do you think you are?" If you're anything like me it was probably so long ago that you don't remember exactly who said it but I'm sure you remember exactly how it made you feel. When I think back, it all started in Mrs. Lynch's fourth grade class at California Avenue Elementary School in Long Island, New York. Because I was fascinated with science, loved reading and got good grades, I was moved into an advanced class. That...